Friday, January 9, 2015

Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear

Dear family and friends -
I've always had faith that "perfect love, casteth out fear", but this week that faith became a sure knowledge. One of the less-active women we had been working with has been so scared to come to church because she has been anti-ed. She didn't want to come to church because she was scared about what would be going through her mind. She misses it so much, she knew it was the best time in her life, but the doubts she had held her hostage. It was so painful to see this women suffer. Only through the consistent effort of the ward over months and years has she come to know we truly love her.  Her family has abandoned her, but the ward hasn't and finally this process paid off last week! She came to church, and asked to take the missionary lessons. She was scared for each class, but the relief society just put their arms around her and brought her back into the fold! Miracles!
We saw so many other miracles this week. We have been working with so many less active members it's been crazy. We realized this week what the common denominator is with all of them, they haven't had a relationship with Jesus Christ. I thought this was really interesting because at some point they all had a testimony of the Book of Mormon, the prophet, this principle or that commandment, but they never utilized it to grow closer to their Savior. It really made me rethink the way I teach and learn. Everything we do in Church needs to draw us to Christ. Having all those testimonies is great, but we need the foundation it talks about in Helaman 5:12.
Australia is also starting to warm up HEAPS!  We had a crazy storm on Friday. Literally the sky was blue, we got on the bus and10 minutes later when we got off, the sky was black. 30 seconds later the rain was coming down so hard, and the wind was blowing so strong we were standing under the bus shelter and it was doing absolutely nothing.
So if you had been up in Cranebrook at that time, you would have seen two Latter day saint missionaries, taking cover.
In a vodka shop,
Anyway, everything is wonderful here!
Love you all HEAPS!
Elder Gibb

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