Monday, September 29, 2014

Fun, Fair, and Anniversaries

Dear family and friends!
What a busy week we've had! Introducing my new companion to the area, and having only been here once transfer myself, we may have gotten lost a couple times...
We had the big 50th anniversary of our chapel this week, and when this stake throws a party, it throws a party! There was a ball Friday night, a carnival Saturday morning and then an entertainment night that night. It ended with a combined sacrament meeting and musical fireside on Sunday. We didn't get to go to all of them but we did go to the fair on Saturday and it was a blast! There were all sorts of carnival games, a bounce house (in the form of Noah's ark) and food! We helped run the stalls, and helped eat the food, and helped play the games.
It was really fun to learn the history behind the chapel and it made me grateful to be serving in an area where the church has been so well established!
Our mission president shared a thought with us this week and I thought I would relate it 
Too often I think we complete the first to steps and we read our scriptures and pray, but if we truly want to become PRO's we need to obey the guidance we receive from these activities!
Love you all heaps
Elder Gibb 

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